Friday 9 October 2009

What you lucky, little puppies can look forward to...

Hall of Fames: Phil Babb and Mr. Wilson.
FC Riga results, player profiles and match reports from the total footballing pioneers of Five-a-side football in the Thursday Goals Soccer Centre La Liga Division C.
Histon Update! - Semi-fictional correspondence from the Blue Square Premier Cambridgeshire side.
Adam Rudge's Tips From Above - The God of sports betting bestows upon us, his underlings, his chunks of holy gambling gold.
'Shut The Fuck Up About Torres And Gerrard' - A look at what new douche bag has decided to throw their hat into the 'Liverpool are relying too heavily on their only two good players' shaped ring.
Nestlé Oats 'n' More's 'Magic Legend Of The Week' - Who is the hero of the time this week?Kellogs Crunchy Nut Clusters' 'Twat Of The Land (of the week)' - Who has generally been a bit of a twat in the world of football over the past seven days?
The Serious John Essays - This is the section where our two resident soccer banter kings put on their serious journalistic hats.
'The Italians Are Hard To Break Down' - A look at the football stereotypes thrust upon certain nationalities throughout the ages.
'Why I bloody love...' - Five reasons we love a particular 'thing', be it a team, a player, a manager, the sights, the sounds, the corner flag's, the grounds.
'Why I flippin' well hate...' - Five reason's we fudging hate that blinkin' whatever it is.
This week in football (insert arbitary number of years) ago - An irreverent look at a not-so notable event that ocurred in football this time many moons ago.
The week's football round-up with the one line robot 'Steve' - Steve, the ever present football pundit casts a laser-based diode over the week's footballing hot topics.

1 comment:

Boom or Bust!! said...

"yes, this one's from above"

Despite the editors repeatedly ignoring my good tings, i have decided to just hijack their page with my marvellous ways of pinching money without the slightest hint of bending or breaking the law.....Put all of your cider allowances on England to smash Belarus Wednesday night with a wager on over 3.5 goals in the all likelyhood that will have copped by halftime and you will be able to watch the second half with your head stuck in a bong celebrating being able to afford woodpecker instead of settling for Tesco's own...loads of tips @rudgey76 on Twatter...
peace out and good fortune..ilovestevepalmer