Thursday 8 October 2009

Oh, it seems we have an Introduction in our midst

A lot has changed in football hasn't it really? I mean, do you remember when brylcreemed and overworked lads from t'mines used to jink, feint and stroll around places called 'Black Grove Lane' and 'The Courdrouy Den'. Chances are you won't remember these sepia-coloured football hi-jinks since I don't and I'm twenty years old, which, I think we can all agree is old enough to know anything worth knowing about this splendid game of ours...
I am no expert on football and nor do I claim to be (apart from that bit before, but that was a joke so can't do me for it mate) but me and my ol' pal John Tipper do genuinely give a toss about football. Not just the Premiership or the Champions League but we believe there is an insane amount of interesting and important 'saaawker' action to have a nice little look at in the lower leagues and leaguesfrom around the world. If you're still reading, or if you have just power-scanned to the bit where you could see I was coming to the crux of my introduction, you may still require a degree of encouragement to continue your readership.Why would you read our poorly structured, random outbursts about a sport that is so reguarly and well-written about already? Why not go and read a blog or article written by Ian Wright (erm, bad example) or Jamie Redknapp (ahem...) They played the beautiful game at the highest level. Well, that's exactly why you should sink your teeth into our delicious hunk of football blogging 'and that'. Professional football players are hardly qualified to even chat about football. They missed all the important bits because they were bloody well running around all the time, wooing bodacious blonde babes (COWABUNGA) and they've got too used to talking in clichés (I mean, obviously) so come on in and have a little sit down, we'll get you a cup of tea and a biscuit or if a match is on, we do provide Bovril and a broad selection of pies, all served with a great, whopping side-order of us talking about football. Have a bit of that then.
SHAM 69 RULEEe3Z!!1!

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